速報APP / 攝影 / InstaClipper - Audio & Video Merging Stu

InstaClipper - Audio & Video Merging Stu



檔案大小:29.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


InstaClipper - Audio & Video Merging Studio(圖1)-速報App

***** #1 addition to your social media profile! *****

***** The best application to merge your videos and favorite songs! *****

InstaClipper is the ultimate utility tool for merging your favorite audio with

video to create high quality arrangements for you to share on your

favorite social network! InstaClipper works with your video reel enabling

you to set specific starting points for your music making it easy to

create the perfect high-quality movie clip!

***** GET IT NOW *****

Introductory savings - Free for a limited time!

Having an issues? We'd LOVE to help you. Please just give us the chance!



Follow the in-app prompts of 'InstaClipper Ian' as he guides you

through the easy process. Within seconds you'll be a masterful

movie producer in just a matter of clicks!

InstaClipper works like a dream and it couldn't be easier!

- High audio quality after merging

- Video quality is kept intact after the audio is placed where you choose

Why Use InstaClipper?

- The process couldn't be easier!

InstaClipper - Audio & Video Merging Studio(圖2)-速報App

- Learn in seconds! Just follow the lovable prompts

- The final product is always high quality!

- Custom audio manipulation

- Select from your personal sounds or our online sound store

- Share your captivating videos on your favorite social network

- InstaClipper provides a lovable flat design interface

Custom Usage

- Manipulate videos before they enter our compression engine and kept at high quality

- Adjust audio to perfectly match your video's content


- Create multiple videos in only a few seconds

- Experiment with different sounds available within the application

Preview Mode

- See your video before finalizing the end product

- Save the video to your camera roll for later usage and sharing

Have Fun, Lots of it!

- Get silly!

- That's what it's all about, right?

Like what you see? We have many more applications in the works! Come say hello!


InstaClipper - Audio & Video Merging Studio(圖3)-速報App


Thank you, SO MUCH, for enjoying our application! More on the way!

InstaClipper - Audio & Video Merging Studio(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad